Exceptional Legal Representation

The ELG team has represented clients in hundreds of legal disputes, including trials, arbitrations and mediations. While litigation is often a necessity, going through such a process may reveal opportunities for adjustment and improvement in the way a client conducts its business. Litigation should serve as a learning opportunity which includes an evaluation of steps that can be taken to avoid conflict in the future.

ELG is proud to work with its clients to proactively prepare for foreseeable legal issues that develop in the normal course of business. Analyzing contracts, and incorporating the latest legal developments into those contracts, is often a preliminary first step towards insulating a client from future liability. Securing proper insurance for the differing aspects of a client’s business is critical to protecting the client’s interests in a dispute. Developing a clear business structure based on evolving corporate laws can not only protect a client, but position a client for success.

The Ellis Law Group will counsel its clients in all aspects of its business to ensure it is structured properly and prepared to address any future disputes from a position of strength.